Travel is an inevitable part of most of our lives – whether for work or leisure, at some point, you’re going to be thrown off your routine.
For someone serious about their health and fitness, this might cause a little unease. Keeping your healthy habits in check can be tough when you aren’t in control of your meals or daily activities.
However, travel is an experience that should be enjoyed to the fullest and not stressed. So, with that in mind, here are a few tips and tricks to maintain your health and physique while still making the most of your travels.
Plan Ahead for Your Health Needs
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! If you want to focus on maintaining your health while you’re away from home, it’s a good idea to create a plan.
Decide ahead of time how you’ll handle meals and drinking so you can indulge without going overboard. Plan some movement, like daily walks or a quick workout, and look into health insurance for overseas travel so you’re prepared to handle any health issues that might arise.
Sprinkle in Some Nutrition
We all know that travel involves eating in ways we usually don’t. On holiday, you can expect more restaurant trips than usual, an increase in your alcohol consumption, and dessert after every meal!
Your vacation is a time to quit worrying about calories and weight gain for a few days, so try to enjoy the new exciting cuisine and delicious treats. However, you should also try to maintain balance in your diet. Prioritize protein to maintain muscle mass and help you feel satiated so you don’t want to snack all day long. Make sure to incorporate some fruits and veggies at every meal, too, and remember to hydrate!
Incorporate Exercise into Your Days
We all know there are different kinds of trips. There are trips where you’re exploring new cities and clocking 20,000 steps a day, and there are trips where you don’t move from the poolside for three days straight.
If you’re planning on the latter, commit to incorporating some movement into each day. This might be a morning jog or a quick hotel room workout. This will help you maintain your fitness and physique and allow you to spend the rest of the day horizontal without any guilt.
Sleep and Rest
A vacation is a great excuse to get some true rest – the kind you don’t normally get at home when you’re tossing and turning all night worrying about work and other stresses.
Take advantage of the peace you can only find when you’re traveling and get some well-deserved rest. Especially after busy days in the sun, allow yourself to sleep in and take naps when needed. Disconnect your mind from your worries back home and decompress for a little while – you’ll return feeling healthier and more refreshed for it.
Take Care of Your Mental Health
Although travel, especially for a nice long vacation, is generally relaxing, we understand that some stress can also be involved. You might be worrying about something back home or thinking about all the work emails you’re missing while your laptop is shut. For some, travel itself can be stressful – the chaos of the airport and the discomfort of a bed that isn’t your own.
If you’re feeling some of the negative effects of a big trip, be kind to yourself and prioritize your mental health. Chat with someone about how you’re feeling, and don’t be afraid to step away from a crowd or an activity if you feel like you need to.
Practice Good Hygiene
A time of travel is a time to ramp up your handwashing by about 1000%. When you’re on the move, you’re far more likely to find yourself in contact with all sorts of germs you might not usually encounter.
On top of this, your immune system might not be used to the bacteria you’ll encounter in a foreign country, making you even more susceptible to getting sick.
On your journey, practice good hygiene, avoid touching things you don’t need to, and be conscious of food safety.
Balance Healthy Habits
We all have certain healthy habits that keep us feeling and looking good. Traveling often sends every single one of those habits down the drain! Try to maintain as many healthy habits as possible without dampening your travel experience.
Eat lots of healthy foods, but allow yourself a beer and an ice cream when you want them. Try to keep up a decent sleep schedule, but don’t be scared to enjoy a late night out exploring a fun bar. Incorporate exercise into your routine, but try to get your travel partners involved in a hike or some water sports instead of spending hours in the gym. This way, you’ll feel healthy but still have fun.